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Redefining AI with Andreas Blumauer – A Podcast from the Squirro Academy

December 21, 2022

Viviana Rojas

Viviana Rojas

Digital Marketing Manager


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Semantic Web Company CEO and Founder Andreas Blumauer was a guest on the Squirro Academy Podcast to talk about redefining AI with knowledge graphs.

This was an important opportunity to highlight how PoolParty’s knowledge graph technology enhances Squirro’s Insight Engine. We recently announced our partnership with Squirro, a fast-growing company based in Switzerland, which allows us to merge our technologies to bring personalized search and advanced text mining to enterprises.

For more information on the partnership, please read our press release “Far beyond Machine Learning: The Semantic Web Company and Squirro partner to create Composite AI Offering.”


What’s in this podcast for you?

Lauren Hawker Zafer from the Squirro Academy had a 40-minute conversation with Andreas on the Redefining AI podcast. The chat began by clarifying what Semantic Web standards are and their journey from a mere academic exercise to real business and industry applications.

The conversation continues to understand knowledge graphs in detail. So if you want to learn what a knowledge graph is and when to use it, be sure to listen to the entire podcast.

Other takeaways from the podcast are:

I remember, 5 years ago, when you came to a meeting where the machine learning people were discussing what is the next best algorithm for a certain task and you approached them to talk about the semantic web they actually told you “sorry, we don’t need you.” We were two tribes, the symbolic AI and the statistical AI, who did not speak to each other. This situation has changed in the last 3 years. Larger AI companies have realized that from an algorithm point of view, it is no longer possible to reach the next level of quality without knowledge graphs.

Andreas Blumauer, CEO at Semantic Web Company

Two Options to Listen to the Episode

PoolParty Customer Success Stories: Microsoft Docs Faceted Search

Listen on Spotify

PoolParty Customer Success Stories: Microsoft Docs Autocomplete Search

Listen on Apple podcasts

Applying Semantic AI platforms for Augmented Intelligence 

Robert David, Semantic Web Company
Patrice Neff, Squirro

Watch this video presentation where Squirro and the Semantic Web Company show how to make great recommendations that are explainable with Composite AI. From theory to practice, see the methodology they used to create a graph-based recommender system that delivers better results tailored to topic, job title, type of business, or buyer persona.


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