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Connecting DITA to iiRDS to get Intelligent Content

Intelligent Content based on iiRDS, Asset Administration Shell and Extensions

Enterprise Knowledge Graphs – Transforming Data into Knowledge


Harald Stadlbauer, Managing Director, NINEFEB

Helmut Nagy, Chief Product Officer, Semantic Web Company


Date Available

April 29, 2024


While DITA was designed for content creation, iiRDS is designed for content delivery – a perfect combination.

How do we enhance content creation and accessibility?

In this on-demand webinar, we will show how we automatically generate a generic content graph from DITA and then transform it into iiRDS to make the content retrievable more easily. This allows for much better and more targeted search results. We can even semi-automatically package relevant parts of the documentation to answer specific questions or fulfil specific use cases. In addition, Asset Administration Shell (AAS) sub-models enable the automatic provision of additional metadata that enhances the iiRDS graph, e.g. directly selecting the right product variant for specific content.


Harald Stadlbauer

Harald Stadlbauer

Managing Director at NINEFEB

NINEFEB was founded in 2012 with the company name NINE (9) FEB (February) came from the shared birthday of the two managing directors Dr Harald Stadlbauer and Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Waage. In 2014, the Group expanded with a subsidiary, NINEFEB Personal Services. With the branch of personnel procurement, the sister company of Technical Documentation is actively supported in its work. In 2018, the Group was enlarged by the subsidiary NINEFEB UK, based in Manchester (UK), in order to tap into the English-speaking area as well.

NINEFEB is active with its companies in the fast-moving world of technology. We want to structure the important information of the world professionally and connect it. Information management at the highest level. Thus forms the basis of all corporate success. Here, NINEFEB is your strongest partner. Security, flexibility, continuity and innovation characterize our cooperation. We use your information to make knowledge and technology tangible.

Helmut Nagy

Helmut Nagy

Chief Product Officer at Semantic Web Company

Helmut is Chief Operating Officer and Product Owner of PoolParty for SharePoint at Semantic Web Company (SWC). In his role as COO he designs and implements customer-centric processes and plans the strategic development of the PoolParty Semantic Suite together with the involved teams based on the SWC business strategy.