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KMWorld 2023

November 6, 2023 - November 9, 2023

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Organized and produced by Information Today, Inc., KMWorld and its co-located events, Taxonomy Boot Camp, Enterprise Search & Discovery, Text Analytics Forum, and Enterprise AI World, showcase organizations which have creative digital strategies for their future, are allowing experimental and risk-taking processes to inform their practices, have made solid progress in changing the culture of their enterprises, and know how to utilize AI and other technologies in practical and useful ways to charge forward in their industries.

As platinum sponsors, we have a representative delegation giving talks and waiting for you at our PoolParty booth. Look at all the options you have: 

Taxonomy 101 Workshop

This introductory taxonomy tutorial covers key concepts to get you up to speed for the rest of the conference or helps prepare you to take on a role in a taxonomy project. Topics include the uses and benefits of taxonomies, comparisons, and suitable applications of different types of taxonomies/controlled vocabularies, taxonomy standards, sources for taxonomy concepts, best practices for developing terms and their relationships, and tools for managing taxonomies.

Taxonomy Boot Camp

Monday, November 6, 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Heather Hedden, Knowledge Manager, Semantic Web Company, and author of The Accidental Taxonomist

Challenges in Creating Taxonomies for Learning & Development

Taxonomies can help provide a foundation to align skills to learning content. Simpson discusses Walmart’s current effort to push learning content to associates by providing them skills for their current and next role and recommend learning paths. Hedden looks at issues involved in coming up with taxonomy of skills.

Taxonomy Boot Camp

Monday, November 6, 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Heather Hedden, Knowledge Manager, Semantic Web Company
Amber Simpson, Senior Manager, KM & Digital Learning, Walmart Academy – Walmart

Intelligent Content—Bringing Together Knowledge Graphs & Large Language Models

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are a hot topic. But can we trust them to give us the right answers to questions or make the right decisions? One possible answer to these challenges is to combine these generative technologies with knowledge graphs that can help explain the results and support the generation of high-quality data to train the models. Combining generative AI and symbolic AI can ultimately lead to eXplainable AI (XAI) that can help in our daily work. Nagy shares the advantages of merging both technologies, shows how knowledge graphs help to create better and explainable results with generative technologies, and also shows how generative technologies can help to create better knowledge graphs. 

Text Analytics Forum

Wednesday, November 8, 2:30 – 3:15 p.m.

Helmut Nagy, COO & Strategic Product Manager, Semantic Web Company

Communities of Practice for Knowledge Sharing

Communities of Practice (CoPs) can be invaluable for connecting people with common goals and interests and facilitating the sharing of knowledge, resources, and more. Heather Hedden joins a panel of speakers, where she presents on external communities of practice, including examples of a software product user community and a taxonomy community.


Wednesday, November 8, 10:45 – 11:30 a.m.

Heather Hedden, Knowledge Manager, Semantic Web Company
Richard Huffine, Chief, Library and Public InformationFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Kendra Albright, Goodyear Endowed Professor in KM, School of InformationKent State University

Generative AI, Context, & Knowledge Models

When search technologies moved from the web to the enterprise, the incorporation of knowledge models (taxonomies and ontologies) provided more accurate and complete search results. Now that we are looking to bring LLMs (large language models such as ChatGPT) and generative AI from the public web to inside the enterprise, there is again a role for knowledge models to provide better results. The subject domain and context can also make a difference. The advantages of combining a taxonomy/ontology with generative AI and limiting it to a subject domain is explained and demonstrated.

Enterprise AI World

Wednesday, November 8, 2:30 – 3:15 p.m.

Heather Hedden, Knowledge Manager, Semantic Web Company

Industry Leaders on AI & KM: Are Knowledge Graphs the Way?

Our industry leaders share case studies of how knowledge graphs are revolutionizing KM programs. Gordon Hayden discusses supporting green strategies with enterprise knowledge graphs, an ideal platform to use in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) domain. Linking all the data for the enterprise makes it easier, starting with the domain model and building it with NLP and machine learning. He shares how one organization is using this technique for an enterprise recommender system.


Wednesday, November 8, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Gordon Hayden, Chief Growth OfficerSemantic Web Company
Peio Popov, VP, Operations, & Director, Financial ServicesOntotext

Enterprise Solutions Showcase

The Enterprise Solutions Showcase will feature the top companies in the KM, CM, search, taxonomy, and intranets marketplace, offering attendees an opportunity to explore all of the latest in product and service solutions. If you are looking for a particular product, evaluating competing systems, or keeping up with the latest trends and developments, be sure to visit the Enterprise Solutions Showcase which will be open during the following hours:

Monday, November 6 | 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Grand Opening Reception

Tuesday, November 6 | 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Networking Happy Hour 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 8 | 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Make sure to be there and meet the PoolParty team!

Click the button below for more information about KMWorld 2023 and how to register. 

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November 6, 2023
November 9, 2023
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Washington, DC 20004
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