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Information Architecture Conference 2021


For more than 20 years the IA conference has been the preeminent event for practitioners and academics who confront the systemic challenge of creating and managing digital user interfaces and rich information environments.

The Knowledge Graph Conference 2021

Semantic Web Company Data & Knowledge Engineer Heather Hedden to host a comprehensive online taxonomy tutorial at the Knowledge Graph Conference.

Webinar: Knowledge Graphs: 5 Use Cases and 10 Steps to Get There


Andreas Blumauer of Semantic Web Company and Atanas Kiryakov of Ontotext will explain why semantic knowledge graphs play a central role in improving data analytics, data governance, and content management. They will also demonstrate how knowledge graphs support business decision making, customer satisfaction, and knowledge discovery.

Webinar: The Key To Successful Digital Transformation


Watch our webinar and learn how Enterprise 360 helps to better address individual information needs and contexts, providing relevant information about products, markets, customers, as well as related knowledge and learning content.

Webinar: The Art of Developing Valuable Employee Journeys


Watch our webinar where we invite our guest speakers François Violette, Senior Information Architect of JobTeaser, Vice President of Customer Experience at RGP Laurie Gray, Amber Simpson,
Senior Manager of Learning Content & Design at Walmart US Learning, and Semantic Web Company’s Data and Knowledge Engineer Heather Hedden to talk about how you can leverage Employee 360 to develop strategic HR.

Special Libraries Association – Annual Conference 2021


The SLA Annual Conference is the premier event for special librarians and information professionals who want to explore the latest challenges and trends in information, knowledge, and library management, refine their skills, connect with colleagues, and meet with leading product and service providers. PoolParty Team is represented by Heather Hedden with an on-demand talk.

Webinar: Taxonomy Management 101


In our on-demand webinar, Heather Hedden, Data & Knowledge Engineer at the Semantic Web Company, will teach you some of the many benefits of using taxonomies and how you can maintain them for best use.

Webinar: Building recommender systems that work


In this on-demand webinar, we will address possible use cases for recommender systems built on semantic AI, discuss scenarios from different industries (retail, manufacturing, software industry and pharma) and look at how recommender systems serve as building blocks to the broader concept of 'Enterprise 360'.

Events & Webinars

Meet the Poolparty Team