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Optimizing LLMs with RAG

Key Technologies and Best Practices

Enterprise Knowledge Graphs – Transforming Data into Knowledge


Sebastian Gabler, Chief Customer Officer, Semantic Web Company

Adam Oliner, CEO and Founder, Graft


May 29, 2024

The problem of hallucinations, false information, and fabricated data is well known to searchers. It puts people off from trusting search results when generative AI is involved. As Large Language Models (LLMs) proliferate, not only in the open web search world but also in enterprise search, the issue of search results reliability becomes particularly critical. One potential solution to mitigate against hallucinations is RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), an AI framework that enhances the quality and relevance of generated text. Hear about the latest developments in this webinar.

In this webinar, you will learn from Graft and PoolParty about:

– Using AI to clean and enrich data for better knowledge retrieval
– Tackling inaccuracies and inconsistencies with RAG
– Combining Knowledge Graphs and generative AI (LLMs) for knowledge retrieval
– Leveraging generative AI to create and maintain a Knowledge Graph

Don’t miss this live event on Wednesday, May 29th, 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET. Register Now to attend the webinar Optimizing LLMs with RAG: Key Technologies and Best Practices.


Sebastian Gabler

Sebastian Gabler

Chief Customer Officer at Semantic Web Company

In 2017, Sebastian joined Semantic Web Company in Vienna and was appointed Chief Customer Officer in 2020. In this position, he supports customers from all industries in developing intelligent applications with semantic AI. Sebastian has worked in various companies in the areas of technology, sales, and project management, including 11 years in the field of audiovisual archiving, and has recently completed his Master of Sciences in Library and Information Science.

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