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From Taxonomy to Ontology

Make meaning with data connections


Heather Hedden
Data and Knowledge Engineer
Semantic Web Company

From Taxonomy to Ontology

There are many uses and benefits to taxonomies, but there is even more you can do with an ontology, such as supporting more complex searches, search across datasets, search on variable criteria, and graph visualizations. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to create a complete ontology from scratch, if you already have taxonomies or other controlled vocabularies. These vocabularies can be enriched with the features of an ontology (semantic relationships, custom attributes, and classes) by taking the approach of building an ontology as a semantic layer on top of existing vocabularies.

This webinar provides an introduction to ontologies and their components and walks through the steps of extending a taxonomy by designing and adding an ontology semantic layer.

Tune in to our webinar to hear some of the following key topics:

  • Why extend a taxonomy
  • What is an ontology
  • Standards for taxonomies and ontologies
  • Extending a taxonomy: different approaches to creating an ontology
  • Applying an ontology as a semantic layer to a taxonomy/thesaurus
  • Example implementation of ontology-based facets
  • Demo of extending a taxonomy with an ontology in PoolParty Semantic Suite 


Heather Hedden

Heather Hedden

Data and Knowledge Engineer, Semantic Web Company

Heather Hedden is a Data and Knowledge Engineer with Semantic Web Company Inc., vendor of PoolParty Semantic Suite software for developing taxonomies, ontologies, knowledge graphs, and semantic search applications.

Heather has 25 years of experience in developing and managing taxonomies and other knowledge organization systems for various organizations and applications, both as an employee and as a consultant. She provides training in taxonomy creation and is author of the book The Accidental Taxonomist.