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How product managers, marketers, and digital sales benefit from knowledge graphs

Four corporate case studies for 360° product content life cycles


Andreas Blumauer, CEO at Semantic Web Company
John Kottcamp, CMT at Tahzoo

Over the last year of the pandemic, we’ve experienced a myriad of examples of the breakdown of the supply chain, the disconnect between product, marketing, and sales, and the resultant losses to the bottom line. While we can’t solve all those challenges in one hour, we can tackle the challenge that companies have the most control over: the disconnect between product, marketing, and sales when it comes to creating and managing product content.

If bridging the gap between departments is the focus, implementing enterprise-wide knowledge graphs is the remedy. Our webinar will show you how Semantic Web Company and Tahzoo have partnered together to build solutions that remove disconnect and facilitate better content management.

Knowledge graphs are more widely talked about and understood in the context of helping customers find the right information or product on a website using semantic search.  But perhaps knowledge graphs can have their biggest impact on a company’s bottom line across the product content lifecycle, from development to distribution, delivery and presentation.

In this on-demand webinar, we will examine various use cases where knowledge graphs have helped connect the entire product content lifecycle from product introduction to product maturity.  And more importantly, we will examine the business value generated by using knowledge graphs along the entire product content lifecycle.

Tune in to hear John Kottcamp, Chief Marketing Technologist at Tahzoo, and Andreas Blumauer, CEO at Semantic Web Company explain:

  • Real-world examples of knowledge graphs being used in companies
  • Product 360: What is it? What value does it bring?
  • Front-end demos of enterprise knowledge graphs and graph search
  • Key business outcomes and benefits

By the end of the session, you will understand what you can begin doing today to reduce the friction between product managers, marketers, and digital sales. 


Andreas Blumauer

Andreas Blumauer

CEO at Semantic Web Company

John Kottcamp

John Kottcamp

CMT at Tahzoo