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Knowledge Based Recommender Systems

Developing and successfully using powerful recommender systems

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Andreas Blumauer, CEO & Co-founder, Semantic Web Company

Robert David, CTO, Semantic Web Company

This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of possible uses of recommender systems, and why they should be central building blocks in the digital workplace and in almost all enterprise information systems, such as knowledge and content hubs, customer experience platforms, or support systems.

From a technical point of view, we will further address how recommender systems essentially work and how they can be optimized. For this purpose, different approaches will be compared and we will specifically address those recommenders that are based on knowledge graphs and semantic knowledge models.

We will explain the methodology for knowledge-based recommendations and show how we can apply taxonomies, ontologies and rules to provide recommendations with different levels of expressivity. We also show how this methodology is realized in the PoolParty platform architecture using different software components.

Especially in knowledge-intensive workflows, where decisions have to be made continuously, users benefit from accurate suggestions. The business objects (documents, experts, products, suppliers, etc.) that best fit the respective context are automatically brought into the spotlight. The possible applications are manifold and we will go into numerous examples and demos and point out, among others, applications in the environment of HR management, drug approval, technical support for software or legal.

The webinar is aimed at AI and information architects, knowledge managers, UX specialists, but also directly at department managers who are responsible for better support, more efficient process management or accurate risk management in their areas.

The core topics and questions that Robert David (CTO, Semantic Web Company) and Andreas Blumauer (Co-founder & CEO, Semantic Web Company) will address in this webinar are:

– Why are recommender systems essential for a successful digital transformation?
– What are their potential and possible applications?
– What methods are such systems based on, and how can they be optimized?
– How do you start a project to establish a recommender in your own environment?


Andreas Blumauer

Andreas Blumauer

CEO & Co-founder at Semantic Web Company

Andreas Blumauer is CEO and co-founder of Semantic Web Company (SWC), the provider and developer of the PoolParty Semantic Platform. With headquarters in Vienna, Austria, but operating globally, SWC has worked with over 200 commercial, government, and non-profit organizations to deliver AI and semantic search solutions, knowledge platforms, content hubs, and related data modeling and integration services. SWC was named to KMWorld’s prestigious list of “100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management” from 2016 to 2021 and has been named multiple times in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions and as a Sample Vendor in their Hype Cycle for Natural Language Technologies.

In his role as CEO, Andreas is responsible for both the strategic growth of the company and its organizational evolution toward a highly focused customer orientation. SWC has grown every year since its inception under his leadership, and has been able to develop a cutting-edge and unique software platform that is ISO 27001 certified, and deployed globally across a number of key industries.

A high profile partner network has been built around this platform, implementing scalable semantic AI platforms for his clients, many of whom are among the largest and most innovative companies in their industries.

Robert David

Robert David

CTO, Semantic Web Company

Robert David joined Semantic Web Company in 2014 as a software developer with expertise in Python, Java and web development. He also focuses heavily on data management solutions as ETL, data conversion, data linking, reasoning and triple store technologies making use of RDF, SPARQL and other W3C semantic web standards. In 2015, he led the PoolParty development team and was responsible for the product development and quality assurance of the PoolParty Semantic Suite. Robert is currently CTO of the Semantic Web Company and also participates in European research projects coordinating the strategic development of product components using research results.