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Meet us at ISKO UK Conference 2011 in London

June 6, 2011


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We are happy to announce that PoolParty is a proud sponsor of this year´s ISKO UK Conference which will take place in London from 4th-5th July 2011. The conference of the UK Chapter of ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) honours the life and achievements of Brian C Vickery, one of the great pioneers in the area of Knowledge Organization.

If you are around we would be happy to meet you at our booth in the exhibition space in the atrium.

From PoolParty team Helmut Nagy and Florian Kondert will give two talks:

Semantic search and metadata mapping based on thesauri by Florian Kondert

Semantic search is an often quoted technology which promises to improve search in enterprises and on the web. Let’s take a closer look at semantic search: How can you benefit from it and what has to be done to establish such an application? What role do thesauri play and how can different data sources be integrated with PoolParty to make them searchable in a “semantic way”?
Florian Kondert from the PoolParty team will give an overview of various search scenarios in his talk and will demonstrate how thesauri can help to realise semantic search engines.

SKOS thesaurus management and linked data by Helmut Nagy

Building and maintaining thesauri are complex and laborious tasks. PoolParty is a thesaurus management tool for the semantic web, which aims to ease the creation and maintenance of thesauri by utilizing linked open data (LOD), text-analysis and easy-to-use GUIs. PoolParty also supports the publication of linked data.
Helmut Nagy from the PoolParty team will explain how one can benefit from linked data and will demonstrate how thesauri can be managed collaboratively within a linked data environment.

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