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PoolParty Application Development Framework

The key to your user friendly PoolParty applications

PoolParty Application Development Framework

The PoolParty Application Development Framework (ADF) is a low-code application development framework for the PoolParty Semantic Suite. Under the umbrella of the ADF, you can benefit from fully programmed and executable, customizable applications as well as from the possibility to program individual applications on your own. In all cases, the ADF provides the basis for the creation of application software, in offering the necessary architectural paradigm, development philosophy and integrated solutions for common tasks and routines.

The swift way to your PoolParty frontend application.

The ADF completes the PoolParty Semantic Suite. Building on the flexibility and performance of our PoolParty middleware components, you can use the ADF on top, to build user front-ends, workbenches, dashboards and connectors to other systems by yourself or use our ready-mades, which you can easily configure or customize.

While you need some simple screen interactions to configure the ready-made solutions, programming your own solution only requires some knowledge of React and JavaScript.

PoolParty Application Development Framework

Provision of an API facade for accessing the power-full APIs of the PoolParty middleware layer via a shared client.

Single Sign-on and overall authorization using OAuth 2.0 and Keycloak in combination with global PoolParty Authentication.

Extensive documentation and development support from PoolParty’s services team.

Follows the React development guidelines and philosophies that enable desktop solutions, mobile applications and web solutions.

Easy reusability of more than 100,000 react.js components created by the extensive, long-established community.

Choose the solution with the right implementation depth for you

How the PoolParty solution is integrated into the company’s software stack can vary.


Out of the box

Whenever you need a quick and easy end-user frontend for a PoolParty application, our out-of-the-box frontends are the ideal choice. They are ready to use ad-hoc and highly customized to your requirements.



ADF is as flexible and adaptable as your requirements are versatile. Our team modifies and extends our standard application with new functions and options fitting your needs.



Do it yourself

ADF provides the perfect environment for your in-house developments. It offers extensive reusable component inventories, a vibrant and active community and the future-proofing of the React framework

Shorten the Time to Productivity

Whether you are looking for one of our out-of-the-box solutions, a customized solution or a self-built solution, the decisive factor when introducing a new technology or software today is how quickly a solution can be fully implemented and how quickly an investment can be realized.

Rapid Prototyping
Don’t waste time setting up your PoolParty solution with lengthy adjustments to your own systems. Engage your colleagues quickly in a ready-to-run implementation and don’t waste time and energy. Our ADF out-of-the-box front-ends are ready to run within a few hours.

Easily approachable coding power
Most programmers with a good knowledge of JavaScript can learn React within a few days. The widespread use of React also means that you have access to a large pool of experts.

Your IT maintenance like it
If you hand off a finished application from your development team to your general IT maintenance staff, it is much more likely that you will be able to easily integrate this new capability into your existing IT maintenance structures.

Use your current infrasturcture
ADF is based on the PoolParty architecture and does not require any new servers.

Stability and Security pays off
PoolParty Application Development Framework comes with the built-in security features and guidelines of React to help reinforce security best practices. This helps ensure that web applications are secure and less vulnerable to attacks.

Count on us
As a PoolParty customer, you know our customer service teams who are at your side right from the start: We help with the first steps with the ADF and our customer support is always ready to answer your questions.

Popular amongst developers

  • React.js 40.14% 40.14%
  • jQuery 34.42% 34.42%
  • Express 28.82% 28.82%
  • Angular 22.96% 22.96%
  • Vue.js 18.97% 18.97%
  • ASP.NET Core 18.1% 18.1%
  • Flask 16.14% 16.14%
  • ASP.NET 15.74% 15.74%
  • Django 14.99% 14.99%
  • Spring 14.56% 14.56%
  • Angular.js 11.49% 11.49%
  • Laravel 10.12% 10.12%
  • Ruby on Rails 7.04% 7.04%

Application Gallery



Type: Out-of the-box

A separate frontend with a classic search GUI is available for PoolParty GraphSearch applications. Including configurable facets and the display of results and their tags as a list or in a detailed view.

ADF Recommender Frontlet


Type: Out-of the-box

The Recommender frontend is based on the frontend for Search. Detailed suggestions are displayed separately in the Recommender window.

How to get started with PoolParty Application Development Framework

When we developed ADF, we had the many use cases in mind that we have been implementing with customers for 15 years. The diverse requirements for user frontends that we saw there encouraged us to provide an open and modular system. This turns PoolParty from a powerful middleware into a powerful full-stack offering.

Diverse as the number of use cases PoolParty covers

Manipulate your taxonomy, interact with your knowledge graph, control your document tagging, recommend items, work with your data, search your content, control your LLM – there are countless applications which can be built with ADF.

PoolParty Application Development Framework

Out-of-the-box and ready-to-configure

You may install the PoolParty out-of-the box frontends as a standalone application or as an application that shares an Apache Tomcat instance with PoolParty. The software comes with a configuration interface where you can configure the out-of-the-box applications and store their settings in form of configurations. Our ADF team is constantly contributing to our online help pages. If needed you can also get help from our Professional Services at any time.

In-house and on-the-go

Your own developers always come into play when workflows and user interfaces are either developed on-the-go or are subject to regular changes. That’s why you like to have the coding power in-house and always at hand.

We know this development situation from our own operations and many customer contacts in this regard. That’s why we know what’s important here and have created a development environment with ADF that quickly leads to very good results in your company and with your developers.

This includes the use of proven development and test environments (e.g. swagger) and standard solutions for development (react), deployment, security and maintenance.

PoolParty Application Development Framework

PoolParty is ranked high for vendor capabilities.

SoftwareReviews is a research service that collects unbiased reviews of software vendors and analyzes them across a variety of metrics and competitors. As a product, PoolParty was reviewed favorably for ease of use and administration, and the PoolParty team was ranked high for support and onboarding.

The right bundle for you – start quick and grow out

To kickoff your project with ADF you can get started with our Discovery licensing bundle or any bundle above. All these bundles have an out-of-the-box frontend, on which top you can grow with your needs. Even for your in-house developed ADF application.

So you get together with the ADF the PoolParty Taxonomy Manager + Ontology Management, the PoolParty Extractor, and the GraphSearch and Recommender API.

Learn more about the possibilities coming with PoolParty Application Development Framework! Chat with an expert to discuss use cases and see a demo of the tool.