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PoolParty Summit 2021

Program Overview

November 3 – 4, 2021 | Online

Let’s talk about Enterprise 360 and semantics!

The key to a successful digital transformation of any company is a holistic understanding of all business aspects that are based on 360-degree views of your data. Join us to find out how Enterprise 360 can help provide context towards your business processes in order to expertly manage customers, employees, products, and the market. 

Learn about how you can enhance your experience with the PoolParty Semantic Suite, or how you can implement powerful semantic technologies in order to make your processes smarter. Check out our schedule below to find your favorite talks and register for your free ticket!




Day 1 - November 3, 2021

02:30 PM CET 09:30 AM EDT

Enterprise 360 - Creating Holistic Views of Heterogeneous Data

Andreas Blumauer
, CEO, Semantic Web Company, Founder of PoolParty

The key to successful digital transformation of any company is to be able to dynamically generate comprehensive 360-degree views of core processes and business objects. Making holistic views of heterogeneous data landscapes available to knowledge workers in their individual contexts is the most efficient way to turn data into real competitive advantages.

03:00 PM CET 10:00 AM EDT

Knowledge graphs in machinery and plant engineering

Karsten Schrempp,
Managing Director PANTOPIX

Machinery and plant engineering companies all over the world are highly interested in the use of knowledge graphs at the moment. We show two different use cases based on customer projects

03:30 PM CET 10:30 AM EDT

From Unknowable Chaos to Knowledge Graph

Dana Bublitz,
Senior Information Architect at Microsoft

Using PoolParty, the Information Architecture team at Microsoft Docs has been able to modernize their taxonomy management capabilities and give meaning to a complex information environment.

04:00 PM CET 11:00 AM EDT

Safety and Reliability in Industrial Operations using Semantic AI

Simon Rogers, Digital Transformation Consultant, Yokogawa Korea

Shift team effectiveness is critical to safety in the process industries, where ineffective shift handover is a significant source of incidents. This talk describes how semantic web technology can be used to effectively address this challenge using an operations management knowledge graph.

04:30 PM CET 11:30 AM EDT

Round Table with Panelists

Panelists: Simon Rogers, Dana Bublitz and Karsten Schrempp

Moderation: Florian Bauer

Meet and discuss! Tell us your experiences in the field and get feedback and inspiration!

Customer Success Meetup - Team "El Capitan"

  • Daniel Gallar
  • Alexi Lopez Lorca
  • Albin Ahmeti
  • Sourabh Chauhan

Visit our Customer Success Team and be guided through their demos, POCs, and Use Cases of recent years. Our Customer Success Teams have gained rich experiences in serving over 180 customer cases.


05:30 PM CET 12:30 PM EDT

Enterprise 360 - Creating Holistic Views of Heterogeneous Data

Andreas Blumauer
, CEO, Semantic Web Company, Founder of PoolParty

The key to successful digital transformation of any company is to be able to dynamically generate comprehensive 360-degree views of core processes and business objects. Making holistic views of heterogeneous data landscapes available to knowledge workers in their individual contexts is the most efficient way to turn data into real competitive advantages.

06:00 PM CET 01:00 PM EDT

Why 360? – It’s All About Improving the Content-Driven Experience

John Kottcamp,
Chief Marketing Technologist

In this session, we will explore how we can use semantic AI and knowledge graphs to inform and improve the content-driven experience at every step along the content supply chain journey. We’ll travel from the creation and organization of the content through to the presentation and measurement of the content’s performance.

06:30 PM CET 01:30 PM EDT

How PoolParty Helps Us to Model Our Product Knowledge Graph

Charles Gouwy, Product Owner Knowlegde Graph for Publication at ADEO

I will explain the key points that made us choose Poolparty as a software to manage our taxonomies and ontologie when we started our project. And then how it helps us to maintain on a daily basis our taxonomies in an international context, and how it is integrated in our environment thanks to its APIs.

07:00 PM CET 02:00 PM EDT

Moving to a Data-Centric World: Building a Consumer Health Data Fabric

James Humffray, Information Manager at Health Direct Australia

Since the beginning of this year we have been working towards building a data fabric – that stitches together the content, data or metadata from all our sources into an RDF data layer. From this data layer we can get a 360-degree view of all our content.

07:30 PM CET 02:30 PM EDT

Round Table with Panelists

Panelists: John Kottcamp, Charles Gouwy, James Humffray

Moderation: Andreas Blumauer

Meet and discuss! Tell us your experiences in the field and get feedback and inspiration!

Customer Success Meetup - Team "Triple Divide Peak"
  • Hakim Tafer
  • Ioanna Lytra
  • Jürgen Jakobitsch
  • Jan Kurej

Visit our Customer Success Team and be guided through their demos, POCs, and Use Cases of recent years. Our Customer Success Teams have gained rich experiences in serving over 180 customer cases.

Partner Gathering (invite only)

Moderation: Florian Bauer

The SWC Partner Success Team will present an update on the PoolParty Partnership Programme, including the PoolParty Roadmap, Partner Training possibilities, PoolParty pricing, Partner leads registration and management, joint marketing, etc

Day 2 - November 4, 2021

02:30 PM CET 09:30 AM EDT

Enterprise 360 - Creating Holistic Views of Heterogeneous Data

Andreas Blumauer
, CEO, Semantic Web Company, Founder of PoolParty

The key to successful digital transformation of any company is to be able to dynamically generate comprehensive 360-degree views of core processes and business objects. Making holistic views of heterogeneous data landscapes available to knowledge workers in their individual contexts is the most efficient way to turn data into real competitive advantages.

03:00 PM CET 10:00 AM EDT

Employee 360 in Action

Zach Wahl,
Chief Executive Officer at Enterprise Knowledge, LLC
Joseph Hilger,
Chief Operating Officer at Enterprise Knowledge, LLC

As part of the presentation, Zach and Joe will share stories and best practices around creating knowledge graphs that capture the full lifecycle of the employee journey from hiring through when they leave the organization. Attendees will learn how to integrate information from multiple sources into a single view that shares everything about an employee.

03:30 PM CET 10:30 AM EDT

An ontology for a universal guidance journey

François Violette, Product Manager, Senior Information Architect at JobTeaser

PoolParty not only enables to quickly model and easily distribute data for new domains, but also to create alignment with key dimensions within our career centers, leveraging innovative ways for HR professionals and career counselors to engage with students and young graduates.

04:00 PM CET 11:00 AM EDT

Improving Experiences Through A 360 Taxonomical Approach

Alex Ragland, Director, Digital Innovation & Customer Experience at RGP
Jonathan Nguyen, Knowledge Management Content/Taxonomy Manager at RGP

In today’s dynamic work environment where spaces are changing from remote to hybrid to in-office, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to navigate and optimize the employee journey for better business value.

We’ll be sharing some initiatives that strive to analyze the impacts of different business aspects on the employee experience and enhance it from a 360 approach leveraging the power of taxonomy, governance, and PoolParty’s semantic management capabilities.

04:30 PM CET 11:30 AM EDT

Round Table with Panelists

Panelists: Zach Wahl, Joseph Hilger, François Violette

Moderation: Helmut Nagy

Meet and discuss! Tell us your experiences in the field and get feedback and inspiration!

Customer Success Meetup - Team "K2"
  • Lutz Krüger
  • Juliane Pineiro-Winkler
  • Alexis Dimitriadis
  • Martin Faymann
  • Manul Bhardwaj

Visit our Customer Success Team and be guided through their demos, POCs, and Use Cases of recent years. Our Customer Success Teams have gained rich experiences in serving over 180 customer cases.


05:30 PM CET 12:30 PM EDT

Leveraging User Intent in Content Management

Arpita Maity, Product Management Data Science & Knowledge Graph, RWS
Joe Pairman,
Senior Product Manager, Tridion Docs, RWS

Combining the power of knowledge graphs, machine learning, and content management bring explainability and accuracy to businesses. This is why we are working together with PoolParty to bring operational excellence to businesses by combining our content management technology with the core services from Semantic Web company.

06:00 PM CET 01:00 PM EDT

Semantic Question - Answering

Dennis Diefenbach, CEO & CTO at The QA Company
Ioanna Lytra, Data Engineer at Semantic Web Company GmbH

Unstructured documents encode a lot of Enterprise Data. Sometimes one is searching for a particular passage in a document, but there are other scenarios where one wants to combine information across the document. For example in a human resource use case we are searching for people with particular competences that are described in a CV, e.g. “Who can program in java and C++”. In a product catalogue, we are searching for products matching precise criteria “What are chairs for children that are red”. We show how this use cases can be addressed by combining the powerful Poolparty Extraction Framework and the Question Answer understanding capabilities of QAnswer. All this with the power of Knowledge Graphs

Scaling up PoolParty with GraphDB

Vassil Momtchev, CTO at Ontotext
Sebastian Gabler, CCO at Semantic Web Company GmbH

Organisations are constantly facing the challenges of disparate data silos among departments as well as departmental tools. Structured and unstructured data is buried and unattainable, making it hard to gain a 360 degree view of everything that is going on within their organization. Knowledge graphs address this need by integrating silos in a standards-based manner.

07:00 PM CET 02:00 PM EDT

Recommender Systems that Work

Peter Crocker. CEO and Co-Founder at Oxford Semantic Technologies
Florian Bauer, Chief Solutions Officer (CSO) at Semantic Web Company

Recommender systems are widely used in e-commerce platforms, where users regularly receive unsuitable tips because they are based on the principle ‘suggest more of the same’. In other words: I buy a couch and get recommended another couch the next time I’m on the website. A better recommendation would be to buy a coffee table to complete my living room, since I have a couch already. A recommender system powered by a semantic reasoner has the capacity to deliver a personal and more effective purchasing experience. The powerful combination of PoolParty and RDFox, the high-performance knowledge graph and reasoner, does just that.

08:00 PM CET 03:00 PM EDT

PoolParty Semantic Suite: Roadmap and Outlook

Andreas Blumauer
, CEO, Semantic Web Company, Founder of PoolParty

Learn how we are preparing for the future. An intimate insight into our plans and visions.