PoolParty Semantic Integrator
Everything you need from a Semantic AI technology stack to implement full-scale, holistic knowledge graphs into your business.

Celebrating the PoolParty 2024 Release
The PoolParty Semantic Integrator comprises all components of the technology suite to implement full-scale, holistic knowledge graphs into your business. Integrate with your enterprise architecture and analyze large amounts of unstructured and structured data. See immediate results using linked data and a collaborative inline graph editor.
Included PoolParty Components
In the Semantic Integrator bundle, you will be able to use the following product components from the PoolParty Semantic Suite.
Thesaurus Manager:
Build the foundation for your knowledge management strategy with an award-winning taxonomy tool. Extend your taxonomies into ontologies.
PoolParty Extractor:
A text mining tool that combines machine learning, natural language processing, and knowledge graphs to extract meaningful concepts from documents.
Search and Recommender
Get relevant results in less time with a scalable semantic search application. Easily configure your search and recommender space to fit your needs and find documents in a user-friendly platform.
Application Development Framework:
A low-code development platform that provides an architectural basis for fully programmed and customizable frontends, workbenches, and dashboards. The key to semantic applications.
Harmonize enterprise data with an ETL tool that lets you create and monitor an ETL pipeline in a simplified interface. Easily make your data ready for knowledge graphs.
A bundle that helps you at all stages of your knowledge management process.
The Semantic Integrator has something for every use case.
Organize your knowledge and make information easy to find, use and analyze. Benefit from controlled vocabularies, agile metadata, and intelligent content.
Make meaning with expressive data connections. If the business case demands higher expressivity, such as pharma or finance, we extend our models with custom schemas and work with ontologies.
Use semantic metadata to extract more value from your data. uccessful metadata management is based on a solid data governance process and uses metadata standards that ensure consistency of processes along the different activities.
Go beyond standard search with a platform that understands user intent and context. Get relevant results in less time and uncover hidden content.
Leverage smarter tags and centralized knowledge management for better findability of assets in SharePoint Online.
Generative AI powered by Knowledge Graphs. Find existing content and get answers and summaries to your questions with a chatbot.
Improve user experience with sophisticated content recommendations. Benefit from a tailor-made system that can offer you helpful suggestions weren't even on your radar.
An Insight Engine that fuels your compliance wizards, decision support and risk identification with Composite AI
Go beyond the limits of traditional knowledge management and gain a unified view of all your data regardless of where the data came from, or whether it’s structured or unstructured.
The most precise method to create knowledge from unstructured data. Extract relevant terms from a text with a tool that is able to disambiguate language discrepancies and the context of document.
Benefit from highly customizable and precise automated tagging and classification. Tag your documents to prepare them for semantic search and recommender systems.
Highlighted product features included in the Semantic Integrator bundle.
User-Friendly Editor
The PoolParty taxonomy editor is prized for its low learning curve and ease of use. It enables subject matter experts who are not used to working with taxonomies to get started quickly.
Taxonomy Advisor
Speed up the taxonomy creation process and improves its enrichment by using LLMs to generate narrower concepts and alternative labels. The LLM is integrated with PoolParty so the suggestions can be added easily to the taxonomy.
PoolParty uses UTF-8, which makes virtually all encodings and languages possible. The user interface makes it very convenient to manage multilingual knowledge models within one project – something that’s especially helpful to companies with international offices or customer bases.
Easily connect and manage data from several graph databases like GraphDB and RDF4J and edit RDF data directly. The PoolParty GraphEditor’s collaborative and flexible interface allows you to edit specific parts of a knowledge graph with ease.
Ontology Manager
The module allows you to extend the expressiveness of your taxonomy. You can create specific relations and attributes. You can reuse existing ontologies from the PoolParty libary and combine them to custom schemes (views) for your specific knowledge model.
Corpus Management
You can upload a variety of unstructured documents, crawl web resources and analyze it based on a knowledge model. You can have one corpus per project. The corpus analysis includes concept lists and term scoring.
Corpus Management
You can upload a variety of unstructured documents, crawl web resources and analyze it based on a knowledge model. You can have one corpus per project. The corpus analysis includes concept lists and term scoring.
Inference Tagging
Inference tagging makes it possible to annotate documents by uncovering implicit concepts – i.e. the tags that would otherwise be hidden. Rather than having to collect additional data to extract tags, inference tagging leverages the existing dataset to generate new knowledge and connections.
Full-blown Extractor API
The Extractor API enables you to do highly precise entity extraction based on a rich set of parameters. The API services can be used instead of SPARQL queries and make semantic technologies accesible to developers with a broad skill-set.
Import/Export (incl. Excel)
You can import your existing taxonomies into PoolParty. The software supports the import of Excel sheets and all common serializations for RDF data. PoolParty taxonomies can be exported in different formats as well.
Recommender Workbench
The Recommender Workbench is designed to make a recommender system easily configurable. In the Workbench, the user only needs to toggle various levers to specify which aspects of the knowledge model the recommender should draw on, defining what exactly constitutes good recommendations.
SKOS Compatibility
PoolParty applies the SKOS standard and SKOS-XL, which ensures interoperability of the knowledge models. Prior knowledge about SKOS is not required in order to work with PoolParty as the methodology is seamlessly embedded in the software.
Multiple Projects
Companies typically work with more than one taxonomy, which is no problem for PoolParty. You can create and maintain multiple taxonomies separately from each other and merge taxonomies into one knowledge model if needed. There is no limit to the number of projects a company can have.
Workflow Management
PoolParty provides effective workflows for the approval of new concepts in a collaborative project setting. The suggested concept dashboard allows the knowledge engineer to keep track of suggestions and encourage review processes in a streamlined manner.
User Management
PoolParty differentiates 4 user roles with different user rights, which streamlines your collaborative knowledge engineering efforts. For confidentiality purposes, admins can determine if projects should have open or restricted access. There is no limit to the number of users a company can have.
Autopopulate Project
The autopopulate functionality enables users to create new taxonomy trees from structured Linked Data sources like DBpedia automatically. The result can then be customized to one’s own needs.
Export to Remote Repository
A PoolParty knowledge model can be exported to third-party graph databases such as GraphDB, RDFox, and more
PoolParty Search
PoolParty Search is an out-of-the-box solution for document search and visual analytics of structured and unstructured data. PoolParty Search Server combines the power of graph databases and SPARQL engines with features of ‘traditional’ search engines like Elastic Search.
Quality Management & Data Validator
PoolParty conducts automatic checks on your knowledge model and provides you with adequate repair mechanisms that can be fixed with just a few clicks. Inconsistencies are comprehensively summarized in reports.
The RESTful API enables you to integrate your taxonomy with third-party systems. All data that can be managed or retrieved via the GUI can also be accessed via the API.
Rollback & History
Linked Data Enrichment
Using linked data and corpora, users can curate a list of concepts indepent from the original source taxonomy, and add them into the the taxonomy tree as a collectiom. SPARQL lists are dynamic lists that you can use to show missing translations for your concepts or to derive a set of concepts that share the same relation as narrower.
Vocabulary Mapping for Linked Taxonomies
Different departments may need different taxonomy versions. The mapping functionality can automatically detect the same concepts across taxonomies / projects, which can then be linked with each other while maintaining consistency. By linking taxonomies, knowledge models get even more expressive.
Advanced SKOS View
Different departments may need different taxonomy versions. The mapping functionality can automatically detect the same concepts across taxonomies / projects, which can then be linked with each other. Overall consistency is maintained. By linking taxonomies, knowledge models get even more expressive.
Custom Reports
PoolParty allows to create custom reports and provides a collection of reports by default that can be exported. For example, you can generate a synonym list which can be used to extend Google’s customized search engine or MS Sharepoint.
Linked Data Frontend
Taxonomies and ontologies can be published and browsed by external parties. Every concept has an URI that can be consistently reused in another context. The Linked Data frontend is highly customizable to corporate needs.
SPARQL endpoint
Metadata Mapping
RDF data gets matched against the taxonomy. Included concepts can get exchanged or enriched by URIs, which provides a powerful foundation for SPARQL queries.
Store Extraction Results in Remote Store
You can store the results of the entity extraction from PoolParty to third-party graph databases such as GraphDB, RDFox, and more.
Profit from more accurate classification through a combination of semantic knowledge graphs with machine learning.The Semantic Classifier automatically sorts documents into their correct knowledge domains so that they can be tagged precisely.
Store Annotations in Graph Database
You can store the results of the entity extraction from PoolParty to third-party graph databases such as GraphDB, RDFox, and more.
Things you can add to optimize your experience.
The Semantic Integrator enables you to build a highly customizable semantic enterprise architecture. You can extend the graph database capabilities by including WAND Inc.’s ready-made taxonomies.
PoolParty for SharePoint Online
This out-of-the-box module enables you to use your knowledge model for content tagging in Sharepoint. Content gets matched against the taxonomy and highly precise tag recommendations are generated in order to provide an intelligent semantic search experience.
Getting Started "Primers"
To help you kickstart your projects, we have primers for taxonomy, knowledge graph, and GenAI creation. Our preliminary taxonomies help you get started more quickly so that you don’t have to build from scratch.
Access to the PoolParty Help Desk
Team member support from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CEST on weekdays
Best Practice Configurations:
Once you have decided to use PoolParty, it is time to find the configuration that best suits your needs. A key to this is the so-called multi-tiering, which is the use of PoolParty licenses on a distributed infrastructure.